At KARYSTOLITHOS we represent the social and economic prosperity of the areas in which we operate, always guided by the protection of natural resources, our responsible mining activity and sustainable development, are an integral part of our corporate philosophy. In the beautiful mountains of Karystos, where we mine the famous natural Greek stone of Karistos, we are constantly striving for an even smaller reduced footprint in the environment. That is why we have designed and implemented one of the most comprehensive environmental care and rehabilitation programs in the area. The project records the quality of the local ecosystem, taking into account in addition the environmental elements (soil and water resources) dust, noise and seismicity, in more than 80 checkpoints, with the sole aim of completely filling the surface trench after the end of exploitation. Man is a part of nature, he is the mother of all, and when he fights it he is a war against himself because nature only wins, he does not know extinction but only transformation. That is why we humans, in order to survive, first of all must constantly protect it! This is what we all have, the people of Karystolithos.